June 1, 2011

We Have Moved

We have moved as we outgrew this site. Our new site is AudiobookJukebox.com and can be accessed here. Please check it out and bookmark it.

We also have a new Facebook page here.

We are on Twitter here.

You will find the familiar Mister Linky widget for adding links under the Add Your Link button in the left column of the home page. Please take the time to read through the About section as it gives details of why we moved and why the look has changed. The search engine on the new site is very good for finding titles, authors, and narrators. It is available under the Find It! button.

Be sure to grab the new badge for your blog. It looks the same, but points to the new site.


leecat said...

Hi hardworking DJs at the Audiobook Jukebox!! Congratulations on being so big that you need your own website!! But I really, really like the links to titles, authors and narrators rather than the search function you have set up on the new site. (Also, couldn't find how to contact you there ...). Please be sure to include this on the new site! Thanks! Lee.

AudiobookDJ said...

Hi Lee,
I’m glad you asked about the indexing changes on the new site. The short answer is that when the index pages on Blogger became so large that they began crashing, we knew we had to move. We didn’t know the indexing would not import to the new platform. At that point, we had to ask some questions.

First, is there another way for site users to access the information in each review post? By using a good search engine, along with tags and categories, we felt the answer was yes. Do we have the time to manually index each title at least 3 times (more with multiple authors/narrators) with a growing database that should double in size in the next 6 months? Looking at our schedules, which include full time jobs and other responsibilities, we had to be realistic and admit our limitations.

Is it worth the time and effort to cut and paste and reformat all of the previous indexing if we do not plan to continue manual indexing? For us, the answer here was no. And finally, what do other sites do? A quick scan showed that by far and away, sites indexing thousands of titles almost exclusively use search engines.

I liked the individualized indexing and at some point, would like to try and bring back the narrator index, which I particularly enjoyed, especially as this is an audiobook site. I appreciate your many contributions and support of the site and hope that changes we make to be able to continue running Audiobook Jukebox will not keep you from continuing to use the site. Oh, and thanks for the heads up on contact info – it’s now on the bar underneath the banner – thanks! -- Susan